Hey Guys welcome back! One of our most anticipated products is only a few weeks away. The Atomic Armoury Hi-Cappa. The Brisbane landing date has been confirmed for the 18th of March. There will be a slight clearance period that we will need to wait for before they get shipped to us here at Command Elite Hobbies. As soon as they arrive, they will be rigorously quality controlled and prepared for shipping to the pre-order customers who have patiently waited for these models to become available. We will be including some freebies for all of the pre-order customers for the extensive wait. Once all of the pre-orders have been fulfilled, we will bring the remaining models to the shelves for sale to the public. The quality of these Hi-Cappas will be a new standard for the gel blaster market here in QLD.
Now some MORE exciting news. The updated Wells GBB MP5K’s will land 3rd of March. These models originally had some issues with their magazines. The factory has assured us the issues have been fixed and ready for the market here in Australia. We are eagerly anticipating their arrival just as much as you guys. One of the first iterations of a GBB that isn’t a pistol. We are expecting these models to fly off our shelf so if you didn’t pre-order your MP5K I would recommend getting in QUICK as they won’t last long!
From all the team at Command Elite Hobbies hoping you have a great day and thanks for choosing CEH as your number one blaster store!